Professor Alex Stremme

Professor of Finance
(Finance Group)

Diplom in Mathematics (1992) University of Bonn
PhD in Financial Economics (1998) London school of Economics
Part-time Consultant (1996-1998) HSBC (Pricing Structured Fixed-Income Products)
Executive Training (2000-2012) Clients include Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Barcleys Capital (and others)
Senior Teaching Fellow (2000-2011) Warwick Business School
Principal Teaching Fellow (2011-Present) Warwick Business School
Assistant Dean (Finance MSc Programmes) - since 2012

Research Interests

Asset Pricing (Time-Varying Risk Premia); Return Predictability (Dynamic Asset Allocation); Hedge Funds (Performance Evaluation / Replication), Executive Compensation (Bonus Schemes / Stock Options).