Professor Andrea Gamba

Professor of Finance
(Finance Group)

Dr Andrea Gamba is Professor of Finance. Andrea joined Warwick Business School in 2010. He has been Visiting Professor of Finance at the George Washington University School of Business from 2008 to 2010, Associate Professor of Mathematical Finance at the University of Verona (Italy) from 2000 to 2010. Before then, he has been Assistant Professor at University Ca' Foscari (Italy) from 1996 to 2000. He had visiting and research appointments at NYU, Purdue University, Calgary University, University of Maryland, and London Business School. His primary research interest is currently corporate finance, with secondary fields in banking, derivatives, financial contracting. He has published in major finance journals, including the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science, Review of Corporate Finance Studies, Financial Management, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Energy Economics, Finance Research Letters, and Applied Mathematical Finance. He has also presented his research in numerous international conferences in finance. Andrea has been associate editor of the Journal of Corporate Finance since 2018 and of Decisions in Economics and Finance since 2022. He has been member of the scientific committee of several major international conferences in finance, including SFS Finance Cavalcade, European Finance Association, Financial Intermediation Research Society. His teaching expertise covers a wide range of topics including corporate finance, derivative pricing, and investments taught at all levels. Andrea served as a consultant on real options valuation for SwissCom and Cable & Wireless and BHP Billiton, and on derivative pricing for banks (Unicredit, UBS, Lehman Brothers) and insurance companies (Cattolica Assicurazioni).

Research Interests

Financial contracting, Dynamic corporate finance, Capital structure and cash holding decisions, Credit risk, Corporate risk management, Banking, Real options.