Professor Anthony Garratt

Professor of Economic Modelling and Forecasting
(Finance Group)

Previously, Professor in Economics at Birkbeck College, University of London, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Economics, Univ of Leicester, a Senior Research Officer, Department of Applied Economics, Univ of Cambridge and College Lecturer in Economics, Trinity College, Univ of Cambridge. Before Cambridge he worked at the Bank of England as a Manager, in Monetary Analysis and prior to this was a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Forecasting, London Business School .

Research Interests

Anthony Garratt research interests lie in the broad areas of empirical macroeconomics and econometric modelling, with a focus on point and density forecasting, model uncertainty and combination, the use of real-time data, long-run structural VECM's and exchange rates. Much of this work is applied to monetary policy questions, has been funded by the ESRC and supported by the Bank of England and is published widely in leading academic journals.