Professor Daniel Read

Professor of Behavioural Science
(Behavioural Science Group)

Daniel Read is professor of behavioural economics at Warwick Business School He has held faculty positions at Leeds University Business School, London School of Economics (Reader) and Durham Business School (Professor), and visiting positions at INSEAD, Yale School of Management, and Rotterdam Business School. Professor Read has consulted for the UK government and the Financial Services Authority on many aspects of behavioural economics, especially as it relates to consumer welfare and environmental marketing. He has published widely in leading journals including Psychological Review, Management Science, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, Risk Analysis, and Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. He is a former associate editor of Management Science, and former editor of Journal of Economic Psychology.

Research Interests

Judgment and decision making including intertemporal choice, choice under uncertainty and risk, heuristics and biases. Philosophical psychology.