David Elmes

Professor of Practice
(Strategy & International Business Group)

David joined WBS in 2008 as Academic Director for the Warwick Global Energy MBA after more than 20 years working in the energy & management consulting industries. After graduating in Natural Sciences from Christ's College, Cambridge, David joined BP, working in the UK then the US. While in the US he completed his MBA at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio where he received the Dean's Award for academic excellence. He then joined Gemini Consulting in 1995 and, after various mergers, was Vice President with the UK Energy, Utilities & Chemicals team of CapGemini. In 2004 he joined Schlumberger as Vice President & Director in the team who created the firm's management consulting arm, Schlumberger Business Consulting. David initially focused on the London-based team then spent a year in Houston as Director for SBC's North & South America activities before returning to London and focusing on clients in Northern Europe. With WBS he led development of the WBS Global Energy MBA and is now the Course Director for the WBS MSc Management. He leads the WBS Global Energy Research Network and works on a number of externally funded research programmes.

Research Interests

David is interested in how the structure of the global energy industry is changing, how new business models are finding success and how management practices are changing. This continues his work before WBS on how companies achieve changes that transform their performance, including changes in organisation, culture and capabilities that enable and sustain new ways of working in ever-changing circumstances.