Dr Frederik Dahlmann

Associate Professor of Strategy and Sustainability
(Strategy & International Business Group)

Fred holds a BSc Construction Engineering Management (Loughborough University), MSc Management (University of Bath), and PhD Management (University of Bath). Prior to joining WBS, he also gained professional experience in the construction sector and working as an energy analyst in London.

Research Interests

Fred Dahlmann is Associate Professor of Strategy & Sustainability at Warwick Business School, UK. His research focuses on understanding how companies respond to global sustainability challenges in their business strategies, management practices and corporate governance systems. A specific stream of research examines the factors that shape how companies address climate change and reduce corporate carbon emissions. Fred is also interested in the emerging phenomenon of the purpose ecosystem and its role within wider earth system governance and sustainability transformations. Finally, his research is concerned with the ethical implications of the Anthropocene for business and managers.
Fred's research has been published in journals such as Organization Studies, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business Strategy & the Environment, Journal of Business Ethics, Environmental Science and Policy, Earth System Governance, and the Anthropocene Review.

Fred is an Associate Editor for the journal Business & Society and sits on the editorial review board of Organization & Environment. Fred is also a Senior Research Fellow of the Earth System Governance network, and member of the ESG Taskforces on the Sustainable Development Goals (working group Private Governance and Partnerships for the SDGs) as well as Governance of Nature and Biodiversity. He contributes to discussions with business and industry through various media engagements.