Professor Charidimos Tsoukas

WBS Distinguished Research Environment Professor
(Organisation and Work Group)

Dr Tsoukas is a Distinguished Research Environment Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Warwick Business School (part time) and the Columbia Ship Management Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Cyprus. Previous appointments include the Manchester Business School, the University of Essex, the University of Strathclyde, and ALBA Graduate Business School (Greece). He is an Honorary Professor at the University of Sydney and the University of Queensland. Recipient of The Joanne Martin Trailblazer Award, Organization and Management Theory Division, American Academy of Management (2016), of the Cyprus Research Award-Distinguished Researcher for 2016, and is the 18th Honorary Member, European Group of Organization Studies (2016). He is the Academic Adviser to the Hellenic Association of Chief Executive Officers; former Editor-in-Chief of Organization Studies (2003-2008); and a co-founder and co-organizer of the acclaimed International Symposium on Process Organization Studies ( Personal web site:

Research Interests

Organisational knowledge, learning, and sensemaking; practical reason and judgment in organizations; ethical decision making; philosophy and organization studies (especially process, phenomenological and neo-Aristotelian perspectives).