Irina Surdu-Nardella

(Strategy & International Business Group)

Irina Surdu-Nardella is a Professor of International Business & Strategy at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick (UK). Professor Surdu's main research interests lie in the study of international growth and the subsequent investment strategies of multinational enterprises. This includes the investment, exit, and re-entry strategies of global firms. More recently, Irina's research has examined the organizational outcomes of corporate social irresponsibility in different international markets.

Irina has won multiple awards for her research, including best paper awards at the Academy of Management, Academy of International Business UK-I, British Academy of Management and European International Business Academy. Professor Surdu's research has also appeared in leading journals, such as: Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, British Journal of Management, International Business Review, Journal of International Management, California Management Review, amongst others.

Professor Surdu is Co-Editor-in-Chief of Multinational Business Review and an Editorial Board Member of Journal of International Business Studies, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of World Business, and International Business Review.

Her role within WBS extends to Programme Director of MSc Marketing & Strategy (MSMS) and Research Environment Lead for the SIB (Strategy & International Business) group.

Research Interests

International growth, Foreign divestment, Foreign market re-entry, Corporate social (ir)responsibility in international markets, Institutions, Behavioral Theory