Professor Jerker Denrell

Professor of Behavioural Science
(Behavioural Science Group)

Prior to joining Warwick Business School in 2012 Jerker Denrell was Professor of Strategy and Decision Making at University of Oxford and Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business. His research examines the implications of learning and decision-making for strategy and organization theory. He has published widely on topics such as behavioural strategy, persistence of performance, organizational learning and risk taking in leading journals including Psychological Review, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, and Administrative Science Quarterly. At Warwick he has received a teaching award for "Outstanding Contributions to the Masters Programs" four years in a row. A native of Sweden, Jerker studied philosophy, economics and management at Lund University and mathematics at Stockholm University. He received his PhD from Stockholm School of Economics in 1998.

Research Interests

Implications of learning and decision-making for strategy (behavioural strategy) and organization theory.

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