Dr Jose Bento da Silva

Associate Professor
(Organisation and Work Group)

I hold a Phd from Warwick Business School, together with an MBA and a Masters on Management from the Catholic University of Portugal. As an undergraduate, I studied Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering and, later on, completed a degree on Philosophy. Before joining academia I worked for circa 13 years in the corporate sector as an engineer, an HR director and an International Business director.
My research is centred on how ambiguity, mystery, temporality, the ineffable, the invisible, nothingness and other categories often deemed 'irrational' can foster our understanding of social and institutional order(ing). This theoretical interest has driven my historical and ethnographic research of large scale religious and social organisations. I am currently involved in two research projects, the first on a wine production company, and the second on political organisations.
I teach Organisational Behaviour, Management of Change and Organisation Design across Warwick Business School's MBA and Executive programmes.

Research Interests

Time, the future, prospective sensemaking, ambiguity, mystery, nothingness, magic, social impact measurement, winemaking, political organisations, Austrian Economics, ethnography, history of management.