Professor Juergen Branke

Professor of Operational Research & Systems
(ISM-Analytics (ISMA) Group)

PhD and Habilitation at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, then joined Warwick Business School in 2009. Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning an Optimization, Area Editor for the Journal of Heuristics and the Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Associate Editor for the Evolutionary Computation Journal. Programme Chair / Co-Chair of several conferences (e.g., Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2010, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 2014) and tracks at conferences (e.g., EURO 2016, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2017 and 2013, Learning in Intelligent Optimization 2013). Member of INFORMS, OR Society, ACM, IEEE

Research Interests

Nature inspired optimisation; logistics and scheduling; multiobjective optimisation and decision making; optimisation in presence of uncertainty; simulation-based optimisation; Bayesian optimisation.