Kate Friend

Director of CareersPlus & Employer Relations
(WBS CareersPlus & Employer Relations)

A Relationship Manager in the Employer Relations team of CareersPlus
& External Relations. 

Responsible for developing meaningful employer relationships across
the Finance and Fintech space, as well as Media/Entertainment and the
Food & Drink Industry. 

Provide employers with access to top talent across our Undergraduate,
Masters and MBA programmes by offering a comprehensive hybrid service
across key International regions (including UK, China, India,
Singapore, Honk Kong, UAE and Europe).

Activities we provide for our students:

  • Sector Insights

  • Alumni/Corporate Panel events: subject specific i.e. ED&I

  • Coffee chats

  • Employer Engagement Days

  • Bespoke Company Presentations

  • Case Study Days/International Competitions

  • Guest Lectures for Modules

  • Employer Skills Sessions

  • Company Visits

  • MBA and Specialist Masters Projects

  • Advertising recruitment opportunities such as internships,
    placements, graduate programmes and experienced hire positions.

For more information please visit our website:  href="https://www.wbs.ac.uk/working-with-wbs/recruit-our-top-talent/"
title="We can help you to recruit one of our talented students for a full-time position, student project, placement year, internship, or work experience role.">Recruit
our top talent | Working With WBS | Warwick Business School (www.wbs.ac.uk)

Please do not hesitate to get in touch through Teams or by emailing
me on kate.friend@wbs.ac.uk