Professor Nicos Nicolaou

Professor - GE Capital Chair for Mid-Market Economics
(Entrepreneurship & Innovation Group)

Nicos Nicolaou is a Professor and the GE Capital Chair of Mid-Market Economics at Warwick Business School. He previously held faculty and/or visiting positions at Imperial College London, University of Cambridge, Cass Business School and the University of Cyprus. His research has been mentioned on the CNN, BBC, The Times, USA Today, ABC News, Reuters, MSNBC, Washington Post, The New York Times, The Independent, Daily Telegraph etc. He has published in journals like Management Science, Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Business Venturing, Research Policy, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, and others. He has received both research and teaching awards including the 2013 INFORMS Technology Management Best Paper Award for the best paper published in an entire year in Management Science or Organization Science, two of the leading journals in the field, the Principal's Award for the best teaching scores at Imperial College London, and the Psion Prize for the best doctoral thesis.

Nicos is the Head of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Group.

Representative Publications:

Nicolaou, N., Kilduff, M. Empowerment Mitigates Gender Differences in Tertius Iungens Brokering. Organization Science, forthcoming

Nicolaou, N., Patel, P. C. and Wolfe, M. T. Testosterone and the tendency to engage in self-employment. Management Science, 64, 4, 1825-1841

Nicolaou, N., Shane, S., Cherkas, L., Hunkin, J. and Spector, T. D. Is the tendency to engage in entrepreneurship genetic? Management Science, Volume 54, Number 1, 167-179.

Awarded the INFORMS Technology Management Best Paper Award for the best paper published in Management Science or Organization Science

Nicolaou, N. and Birley, S. Social networks in organizational emergence : the university spinout phenomenon. Management Science, 49, 12, 1702-1725

Shane, S., Nicolaou, N., Cherkas, L. and Spector, T. D. Genetics, the big five, and the tendency to be self-employed. Journal of Applied Psychology, Volume 95, Number 6, 1154-1162

Nicolaou, N., Shane, S., Cherkas, L. and Spector, T. D. Opportunity recognition and the tendency to be an entrepreneur : a bivariate genetics perspective. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Volume 110, Number 2, 108-117

Nofal, A. M., Nicolaou, N., Symeonidou, N. and Shane, S. Biology and management : a review, critique, and research agenda. Journal of Management, 44, 1, 7-31

Research Interests

Entrepreneurship, Genetics of Entrepreneurship, Biology of Entrepreneurship, Middle Market Firms, Social Networks, Behavioral Genetics, University Spinouts, Innovation