Dr Noni Symeonidou
Noni is an Associate Professor within the Entrepreneurship and Innovation group at Warwick Business School. Dr. Symeonidou's research examines early-stage entrepreneurship. She specialises in strategic entrepreneurship and innovation, investor decision-making and micro-foundations of entrepreneurship. In particular, her work addresses the following two questions: 1) how do firms organise their resources for innovation? and 2) how do firms and investors select innovations?
Noni uses archival data and experiments to investigate these questions in contexts such as high-growth entrepreneurship, top management teams and scientific teams.
Noni obtained her PhD at Imperial College and was awarded a fully funded PhD scholarship by the Innovation Studies Centre and the EPSRC. During her studies in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship group of Imperial College she investigated the process of capability development in ventures that experienced significant liabilities of foreignness and liabilities of newness. Noni was granted access to the confidential Kauffman Firm Survey and won two awards from the E.M. Kauffman Foundation. She holds an MSc (Distinction) in Entrepreneurship from the University of Nottingham. Prior to that she had spent a semester at the University of Tampere and the Tampere University of Technology in Finland.
Noni received the WBS Outstanding Contribution to Research Award 2016/17 and Outstanding Published Research Paper 2018/19. She won several awards for her outstanding contribution to Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral Programme teaching. Noni published work in prestigious field and management journals (Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Small Business Economics, R&D Management).
Noni has worked in a range of industries including biotechnology and advertising. She is the co-founder of a Community Interest Company and has been involved in the innovation process of a technology start-up that invented the first blood test to screen for cancer in dogs and cats.
If you are interested in a PhD in Entrepreneurship and Innovation please contact Noni directly.