Dr Özgün Atasoy

Associate Professor
(Marketing Group)

Özgün Atasoy's research focuses on consumer decision-making, with an emphasis on consumer-technology interactions, consumer choice, and financial decisions. He seeks to uncover the subtle factors that influence choices, often unnoticed by consumers. His goal is to provide insights that help consumers, marketers, and policymakers make informed decisions that benefit both individuals and society.

Atasoy has published his research in leading academic journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, Psychological Science, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. He has also written for practitioner and general readership outlets such as Harvard Business Review, Scientific American, and Psychology Today. His work has been featured in media outlets like the Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, and Süddeutsche Zeitung. In 2021, his research on consumer valuation of digital goods was a finalist for the Journal of Consumer Research Best Article Award.

Atasoy joined the University of Warwick in August 2023. He earned his PhD from the Questrom School of Business at Boston University.