Dr Sandra Pereira

Associate Professor
(Organisation and Work Group)

Sandra has been in academia for the best part of the last 25 years. She is a passionate educator, with wide experience across all levels of teaching. She teaches modules such as Organisational Behaviour, Organisation Design, Organisational Analysis, Human Resource Management and general management modules. Having been a practitioner for a considerable number of years, Sandra believes strongly in the connection between theory and practice, and thus, Authentic Teaching and Learning are among her priorities. In her scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Sandra has been particularly interested in teaching large classes, the use of case studies, and the impact of AI in assessment. In terms of subject areas of interest, Sandra has invested in research connected to strategic decision making, professional organisations, institutionalism and culture. She has published in renowned publications, such as the British Journal of Management and the Journal of Business Ethics.

Research Interests

Decision Making
Professional Organisations
National and organisational Culture
Organisational structure
Knowledge creation and management in organisational contexts