Dr Wenjuan Zhang

Associate Professor of Operational Research
(ISM-Analytics (ISMA) Group)

Formerly Research Fellow at Risk Initiative and Statistical Consultancy Unit (RISCU) in Department of Statistics at University of Warwick. Dr Zhang has worked on over 20 research and consultancy projects from a wide range of clients from industry, commerce and the public sector, as well as working collaboratively with the wider academic community at Warwick University. The ESTEEM project with London Underground was awarded the 2010 IET Innovation Award by the Institution of Engineering and Technology, in the Asset Management category.

Research Interests

Optimization, forecasting and decision making; methods particularly interested: time series analysis, regression analysis, functional data analysis, stochastic model, and Bayesian method; key areas of application: reliability and maintenance in general and condition based maintenance in particular, asset management, electricity demand, and health care modelling.