Dr Yi Ding

Associate Professor
(ISM-Analytics (ISMA) Group)

Yi is an Associate Professor of the Information Systems Management and Analytics Group at Warwick Business School. She received her PhD degree in Information Systems and Analytics from School of Computing, National University of Singapore. Prior to that, she received her Bachelor's degree from Fudan University in China.

Research Interests

Her research interests include social impact of emerging technologies and fintech. She employs a variety of research methods including econometrics, machine learning, natural experiment, lab experiment, sequence analysis, etc. Her work has been published in journals such as MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR), Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS), Production and Operations Management (POM), and Research Policy (RP). She has also presented papers at international conferences, including ICIS, WITS, CIST, and HICSS.