Careers advice: Job hunting for Gen Z professionals

26 March 2024

In our latest careers blog, Alumni Careers Manager Konstantina Dee looks at how Gen Z can unlock exciting career opportunities by leveraging digital savviness, personal branding skills, and comfort with unconventional approaches.

Earlier this month I was delighted to be an assessor at the WBS Case Study Saturday event, organised by the CareersPlus and Employer Relations team. While discussing the details of the case study, it dawned on me that many of the alumni I work with are in fact Gen Z professionals. Therefore, this blog post is dedicated to you, dear Gen Z alumni!

Gen Z, your skills in the digital world give you an advantage in navigating the ever-changing recruitment landscape. Whilst the traditional ways of applying for jobs still remain relevant, such as submitting CVs and cover letters, attending job fairs, and leveraging contacts, it might feel natural for you to use digital platforms for job hunting. You might have already participated in virtual recruitment fairs, used AI tools to polish applications, and engaged in discussions about your digital footprints and personal brands. But how can you leverage headhunters and recruitment agencies to progress your career? How can you make the most of the things you know and care about in order to improve your job-hunting skills?


Start with your personal brand 

Recruiters and hiring managers will check your online presence before considering you for opportunities. They will spend more time on your LinkedIn profile than on your CV. Your profile should showcase your skills, achievements, and your professional persona. Ensure that there is a consistent story flowing through both your CV and LinkedIn. In some industries you might consider other social media channels, so research and invest time in building your personal brand across all the relevant digital platforms. 


Continue with digital networking

If you're confident at establishing relationships online, use this skill by actively engaging with industry professionals, alumni, and potential employers on LinkedIn, X, and other channels. Become a content creator - write, share and engage in professional discussions in a tone and style that correspond to your personal brand. Remain confident and reach out for informational interviews and advice, or direct conversations with recruitment agencies and hiring managers on these platforms. Maintain a concise and effective approach in delivering your elevator pitch.

While securing a permanent, well-paid position may be an immediate goal, fostering long-term relationships with these industry connections can pay dividends throughout your career. Treat each interaction as a chance to establish yourself as a valuable professional resource, even if a particular role isn't the perfect fit at the moment.


Be the digital native

You have the advantage when it comes to leveraging technology in your job hunting and applications. Many Gen Zers are creative and clever in highlighting digital proficiency when it comes to creating online portfolios and preparing presentations for interviews. Remember to highlight any expertise in coding languages, data analysis and visualisation tools. Headhunters are looking for tech-savvy professionals. 


Show your environmental consciousness

If you care about the environment and are engaged with activities which prioritise sustainable living, share your ideas with the community and be the sustainability champion. Recruiters also look for your sustainability credentials. Can you take additional courses on ESG reporting or sustainability leadership?

Be a global citizen 

You might have lived and studied in different countries, and have awareness of global challenges. Embrace this global mindset and adopt job hunting strategies as needed. In the discussions with the headhunters, talk about your flexibility and adaptability about considering jobs beyond the UK or your home country. Remain open to unconventional opportunities. 

Be authentic

Demonstrate that you appreciate authenticity and openness in your communication. Remain consistent with this value in your interactions with recruiters and employers. Transparency can help you find roles that align with your passions and goals.

Be curious

Gen Z continually learn and deal with complex information. You are able to sieve out unnecessary details and carry out in-depth research. Apply this approach in researching reputable companies, headhunters and recruiters. Understand the niche markets in which they operate and this will allow you to tailor your job hunting approach. You can search for relevant UK agencies by sector and geography at agency central, by country and sector at Going Global (free alumni access here). You can also use WorkMaze for executive recruitment guides by region.


Be entrepreneurial and embrace unconventional career paths

Gen Zers often take the opportunity to explore and even create new career paths that may not have existed before. With the rapid pace of technological advancement, adaptation of generative AI and new workplace environments, there will be emerging roles and job titles that have yet to be defined. Embrace this reality and approach your interactions with headhunters and recruiters as opportunities to plant the seeds for your future entrepreneurial endeavours. These conversations could be the “start-up phase” for your unconventional career journey, where you invest time and effort in cultivating relationships and sharing your innovative ideas.

You have a unique advantage in today's job market. By leveraging your digital savviness, personal branding skills, and comfort with unconventional approaches, you can effectively unlock exciting career opportunities.

Remember that our team at WBS is here to support you every step of the way. Get in touch by emailing us at