Managing your mental health while studying your MSc

20 May 2024

MSc Management of Information Systems & Digital Innovation student, Bolu, shares her tips on navigating your studies, while managing your mental health.

My experience at WBS summed up in one word would be: exciting! However, there are a mix of other emotions and concerns involved when leaving home to pursue a Masters degree. In this piece, I can hopefully put some of these worries at ease.

The best part of WBS has been the different people I’ve met – so make the most of this opportunity. It probably sounds cliché, but it has been so fulfilling to meet people from completely different cultures and backgrounds.

I’ve been able to learn from these relationships, and build lifelong friendships whilst creating wonderful memories. From brunch dates, to group studying, to a trip to the Harry Potter studios – these social activities have really enhanced my time here.

Bolu on a bridge smiling at the camera with a river and commercial buildings in the background

Making time for yourself

As you’d expect, studies can be challenging, and allowing yourself time for breaks is essential.

To balance your own wellbeing and your studies, it’s important to understand what works for you, and use that to be able to plan your days. Create a to-do list/task list to help you. But most importantly, don’t take on too much. Breathe, and give yourself time. 

I personally enjoy reading novels, which give me a sense of calmness, and binge-watching series on Netflix, to take my mind off the demands off assignments or classes. I recently picked up crocheting on top of this, which has become a new means of relaxing for me. You can find details of the Warwick Knitting & Crochet Society here.

I take trips to local bookstores (as retail therapy), or just look at the neatly arranged novels. I also have taken up the habit of taking trips, which have included weekends in Manchester, London and Bristol. I find that a change of scenery can provide respite and it works great. 

What’s on campus at Warwick?

For on-campus leisure, I like to participate in the residential community activities and events, like painting, drawing and exercise - it’s calming and fun.

I sometimes cycle round campus, just to feel the wind and enjoy my favourite music. I regularly speak with my family, and find myself on lengthy Facetime calls with my best friend, just talking and laughing. After which I’m feeling refreshed, calm and ready for the next challenge. 

I also take myself on personal dates, which could be a random afternoon at Dirty Duck involving just me, a window seat enjoying my meal and the view of campus. Friends and I really enjoy having a movie night at the Arden Cinema room on the Westwood campus to help us recharge.

One tip I’d give for managing wellbeing is to never let yourself get to the point of being burned out. Understand your body and your mind, so set out time to relax. It’s important to try and have random check-ins with your friends. Remember, most WBS MSc students are in the same boat, and reaching out to another can help one other feel much better.

Bolu posing on the grass in front of a pink hydrangea bush in the sun


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