Our alumni share their advice and insights into how to shape a memorable and meaningful time here at WBS whilst studying your Masters course.
Unlocking the highlights of your Masters
MSc Business with Marketing Alum Sophia shares her incredible journey at WBS - dive into collaboration, new experiences, and distinct academic opportunities available to you on your Master's business or finance degree.
Embracing diversity and collaboration
My time at WBS was an extraordinary journey through cultures and connections. The kaleidoscope of backgrounds and cultures I encountered enriched my experience. WBS' commitment to group work and collaboration added an exciting dimension to my projects, as I navigated my course through diverse perspectives.
The vibrant student community
Among the many highlights of my Warwick experience, the student community stands out prominently. As a previous Warwick undergraduate, I was already part of the Warwick Squash team and had participated in various other societies and events, including ABACUS (Association of British and Chinese University Students).
During my year at WBS, I broadened my horizons by joining additional societies like Warwick GDMS (Graphic Design and Marketing Society) and SolidariTee, a student-led charity advocating for refugee and asylum seeker rights. The wealth of societies and sports clubs at Warwick is a treasure trove. I wholeheartedly recommend engaging with them to make the most of the Warwick experience.
Invaluable academic exploration
The array of course modules offered by WBS was something I really enjoyed. Transitioning from History in my undergraduate studies to Business with Marketing at WBS was a refreshing change. The ability to select modules like Big Data Analytics introduced me to programming, enriching my skill set. The mix of qualitative and quantitative modules made my academic journey more fulfilling.
The Business in Practice experience
An extraordinary facet of my Master's journey was the Business in Practice (BIP) program—a two-week, interactive alternative to the conventional dissertation module.
The BIP experience was a primary motivator for me to choose WBS, and it exceeded my expectations. Despite the intensity throughout, the experience was exceptionally unique. It offered valuable insights into business operations and fostered interactions with students from various courses.
Gateway of opportunities
In addition to their exemplary Careers Service, CareersPlus, WBS offers a multitude of events to assist with job applications. The WBS-specific P&G Business Case Challenge is just one of the many remarkable opportunities. I particularly appreciated the flexibility in team allocation and the option to select my teammates, especially in the first semester. The P&G Challenge was an eye-opener to the world of P&G and the broader FMCG industry. It also provided invaluable experience in virtual team collaboration and a chance to connect with fellow students.
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