Navigating the Business World with WBS: Lessons in LeadershipPlus and Strategic Thinking

24 April 2023

Full-time MBA participant, Madhumita Menon, shares her favourite modules from the programme. 

When I started my MBA journey at Warwick Business School (WBS) in September 2022, I came in with an open mind. Having worked in a corporate position for eight and a half years, I was equally excited and nervous about going back to being a student and attending all-day lectures. However, any nervousness I had was overtaken entirely by excitement once I immersed myself fully into the programme! The core modules I have studied over the last 2 terms have been insightful and challenging, and have led me to gain a deeper understanding of subjects of which I previously had limited knowledge. Of the modules, the ones that stood out for me were LeadershipPlus and Strategic Thinking. These modules have been the most impactful and engaging part of my MBA journey so far, and have helped me tackle situations in a variety of ways!

The flagship LeadershipPlus module was the first module we were exposed to, and it ran over the first two terms. It was a great icebreaker for the MBA and was crucial since the 110 participants came from diverse backgrounds – we represented 33 nationalities. Through LeadershipPlus, I was exposed to working with two syndicate groups – one for each term. Both groups consisted of a vast variety of individuals, and it was especially interesting to discover what "energies" we brought into the syndicate group based on our primary colours discovered through the Insights Discovery test.

The module helped us think out of the box as we had to undergo workshops which involved us using our analytical, decision-making and empathetic skills. We had fun workshops which involved us building planes (post strategising resource-allocation) and also had “courageous conversations” based on scenarios from our past where we faced challenges. These workshops pushed us out of our comfort zones and helped us develop critical leadership and management skills. Additionally, we were encouraged to keep a personal journal which recorded our key learning points, ideas for further exploration, and areas of confusion. This helped us reflect on our personal development as leaders and was an excellent resource for our assignments.

The Strategic Thinking module was equally as exciting and engaging. The module leaders made sure to include case studies from around the world to make the content relevant and relatable for the diverse cohort. The case study discussions were especially interesting as they led to thought-provoking and intense conversations in class. The Strategy Challenge, in particular, was a highlight of the module. We had to learn about an industry and geography that no one from my syndicate was familiar with. It challenged us to learn and explore items beyond our comfort zone. The Strategy Challenge was a hands-on learning experience that pushed us to apply theoretical concepts and frameworks to real-world problems.

The most exciting part of the MBA so far has to be the LeadershipPlus client engagement project. Through this project, my syndicate group and I were exposed to a multinational corporation with operations in the UK. Essentially, in this project we leveraged our learnings from LeadershipPlus and Strategic Thinking to come up with solutions related to waste management and sustainability for the corporation. It was a true challenge to meet client expectations, work together as a group and manage our respective MBA commitments – however, it was a journey where each of us gained great knowledge!

This experience has been worth the journey of moving from India to the UK. Despite having worked in a corporate for over eight years, I have learnt so much from my classmates and module leaders. The diversity of perspectives and experiences in the cohort has been eye-opening and has challenged my preconceptions and biases. It has been humbling to learn from people who come from different industries, countries, and cultures. I have also been impressed by the module leaders who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the program. John and Hossam for Strategic Thinking and Graham and Bob for Leadership Plus are some of the best lecturers I have ever had, and their passion for their subjects is infectious.

Overall, my MBA journey so far has been exhilarating, and I cannot wait to see what the next two terms have in store for me. The LeadershipPlus and Strategic Thinking modules have not only helped me develop critical leadership and management skills but have also helped me develop a deeper understanding of myself and others. I would highly recommend the MBA program at WBS to anyone looking to develop their leadership skills and embark on an enriching learning journey.

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