Our favourite Full-time MBA modules

31 July 2024

Full-time MBA participants share their favourite modules, offering insights into what to expect on the programme.

Adit Mankala

Image of Adit Maniktala

As someone who had never studied finance, I often felt intimidated by financial terminology and jargon. But thanks to some amazing professors and well-conducted finance modules, I’ve come a long way in understanding it all.

My favourite module at Warwick Business School (WBS) has been Entrepreneurial Finance, and a big part of that is because of the academic for the module, Simon Barnes. Simon isn’t just a professor; he brought immense first-hand experience as an entrepreneur and a Venture Capitalist, sharing real-world insights that captivated my interest. His stories about VCs and entrepreneurs raising funds were fascinating—I could listen to him for hours.

The module taught me about the lifecycle of raising funds for a venture, how venture capital firms work, and the industry’s positioning, along with the individual incentives at play. Simon’s deep wisdom was evident as he shared the tensions of fundraising and practical tips for entrepreneurs seeking funds. This module is invaluable not only for aspiring entrepreneurs but also for anyone wanting to understand business funding.

My peers shared my enthusiasm; everyone loved Simon’s lectures. The module included interesting case studies and term sheet discussions that engaged the entire class. For our group project, we pitched our startup to Simon, who played the role of a tough VC. It was an incredible experience that taught me so much while being quite fun.

After this module, I feel inspired and excited about starting my own venture someday. It’s been an eye-opening and motivating part of my MBA journey.

Suman Tomar

Image of Suman Tomar

One of the core modules of my MBA programme is LeadershipPlus, and it has been a significant learning experience. Unlike traditional leadership training, this module goes beyond just building skills. It takes a deep dive into one’s own personality. An important tool in this exploration is the Spotlight profile, which meticulously helps to understand why we do what we do, emphasising the role of self-awareness in effective leadership.

Working with my syndicate group during the module has been transformative; the diverse personalities within the group have provided valuable insights. Through various LeadershipPlus activities, games, and challenges, I've discovered how I cope and adapt, especially in high-pressure situations.

A major focus of the LeadershipPlus module is on understanding and navigating diverse cultures. This understanding is vital in our culturally diverse cohort, where many aim to navigate the complexities of multinational corporations. Recognising the importance of cultural knowledge fosters an inclusive and globally attuned mindset.

The module also addresses important aspects such as conflict resolution and handling challenging conversations. Through rigorous coaching and self-analysis, it encourages a comprehensive exploration of personal strengths and weaknesses, significantly contributing to a holistic journey of leadership development. In essence, LeadershipPlus not only refines leadership skills but also cultivates heightened self-awareness and adaptability in the ever-evolving professional landscape.

Hafiz Azharani

Image of Hafiz Azharani

I enjoyed all the thought-provoking modules in the Global Online MBA programme. However, I found the Marketing module to be particularly special for me. Before joining the MBA, I had preconceived notions about marketing, viewing it as uninteresting and not particularly fascinating. After completing the module, I can confidently say that the professors and materials proved me wrong.

Marketing turned out to be extremely fascinating and intellectually stimulating. The strategic depth of marketing surprised me. I learned that it's not just about advertising, but about understanding consumer behaviour, market segmentation, and creating value propositions. Our course materials, particularly the case studies of successful marketing campaigns, were eye-opening. They showed real-world applications of marketing principles and how they drive business success.