Starting the Executive MBA in London
This month Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, Senior Medicolegal Adviser at Medical Protection Society, explains how she felt on starting the Executive MBA in The Shard, London.
"It had all seemed like such a good idea at the time as I submitted my application for the Executive MBA programme at The Shard. After all I had been talking about doing one for years and well, how hard could it be? Reality dawned the first day of induction weekend at the end of an extremely busy work week as I entered the business school with equal measures of trepidation and excitement. As I stood in the elevator I was fearful that I was too old to be studying again, that I had made a horrible mistake and that this wasn’t for me. Having worked in the healthcare sector and having never studied any of the subjects before I was convinced that I would be totally out of my depth.
Related course: Executive MBA
I soon discovered that many of my fellow students were in the same boat and that while we may have had different reasons for joining the Executive MBA programme, we were all embarking on a new chapter which would undoubtedly mould our future careers. What struck me immediately was the diversity and breadth of experience in the cohort and it soon became apparent that we all had insights to bring from our careers and the different sectors we worked in.
Despite my scepticism at ‘activities’ which we have all had to endure on management training courses, the induction programme certainly helped break the ice and the balloon tower building exercise was particularly enjoyable, especially as my team won! I was also very impressed by the personality profiling which produced a freakishly accurate description of me and it has helped me reflect on how I interact with others and has, I believe improved my communication with colleagues at work and forced me to analyse my management and leadership style.
Several modules in and I can confidently say I made the right decision about doing the Executive MBA and in fact wish I had done it sooner. I certainly have learnt a lot and appreciate the expertise of the teachers and my fellow students. There is a great sense of comradery and support within the group and I am confident that many of my new found friendships will continue way beyond the course."