What sets WBS apart from other business schools?

31 March 2021

Why choose Warwick Business School? Don’t just take our word for it, our undergraduate students and alumni share what makes WBS stand out against other business schools in the UK.

Unique opportunities and campus life

Cassylda Augusto Rodrigues - BSc Management student

The University of Warwick was always on my radar as a university that I always knew I wanted to attend. Two of my mentors had gone on to study at Warwick and would never stop talking about the plethora of opportunities available to them, how great the environment was and how they knew I would love it as my university. They both went on to achieve great things, and I was determined to follow in their footsteps.

When I visited the Warwick campus for the Undergraduate Open Day I found it completely surreal; the modern architecture, bright lecture halls with blue seats, the exclusive undergraduate study spaces and WBS café were all just perfect! It was a bright sunny day, and I just felt complete peace. It was as if visiting the University confirmed my aspirations and my desire to study there – I knew this was the university for me.

Unrivalled career support

Hassan Siddiqui - BSc Accounting & Finance graduate

For me, what sets WBS apart is its careers team. The WBS CareersPlus team are highly experienced, be it with regards to applications for spring weeks or for further studies. They hold drop-in clinics twice a week and you can book individual appointments with them as well if you would like to discuss something in detail. They also organise various employer events exclusively for WBS students, which gives you a unique opportunity to network with those employers and understand what they are looking for in their future employees.

Personally, the advice from the careers team was instrumental in me securing my dream graduate job with PwC, one of the Big 4 professional firms, as they gave me a great idea of what to expect during my assessment centre and what qualities to display while there.

The student voice is valued

Chloe Tan - BSc Accounting & Finance student

At WBS, students’ voices and opinions are really valued and are indispensable in contributing towards improvements that the Business School makes. Back in junior college or high school in Singapore, this element of the student voice was not one that was prominently featured or encouraged, so I never realised how important it was. In a sense, I felt like I have matured as a member of the Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) at WBS. Previously, I had always only enjoyed experiencing things in the very moment, however, I now enjoy being involved in things that can bring about a positive change for others in the future.

Even now, in my final year, I am still part of this amazing committee, and I am still learning many things from my peers, who are just as dedicated to the student experience here at WBS. While future students’ journeys at WBS may differ from mine, it is humbling to know that my time on the committee has positively impacted the way that their university experience will turn out.

Real-world application

Shubh Mehta - BSc Management student

At WBS, we have the opportunity to discuss and learn from real-life case studies from the financial world. The finance pathway that I chose to study as a part of my undergraduate degree enabled me to explore the world of finance and has allowed me to relate various topics to what I see and read in the Financial Times. I have developed my critical thinking and analytical skills, which will be crucial when entering the finance industry, and I feel that the wide-ranging modules I have studied so far have provided me with a well-rounded experience of learning about the world of business and finance. Overall, the flexibility of my course was hugely important to me when deciding which university to attend, as I knew it would allow me to keep my career options open, and the degree has provided me with an infinite number of opportunities for my future career.

At WBS, our undergraduate courses will give you the foundation for change and prepare you for your future career. Are you ready to make your mark in the world of business? Download our undergraduate brochure