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Why I chose to study BSc Management at WBS
Undergraduate student, Laurynas shares why he chose to study BSc Management at WBS.
The discovery of my passion for business and its related aspects is at the same time both common and unique. I was heavily immersed within the world of business since the early days – my father was and currently is an entrepreneur. Therefore I had the privilege and opportunity to observe his work, yet, most importantly – I became genuinely interested in the creation of business. However, I would not say this was the most influential factor.
The primary factor was my heavy involvement in sailing from a young age (6 years old to be precise). I have competed across half the world, representing Lithuania, winning numerous awards, and having the best time of my life. As a result, I became highly competitive, almost insanely and the development of this trait has led me towards the understanding that I can apply it within the world of business.
Furthermore, during my time at high school, I participated in a project where our team was tasked to build a business plan and pitch it to the cultural ambassadors of various EU countries. The experience further amplified my interest in this area. When it came to applying for my degree, naturally I wanted to apply to a business school. I was lucky enough to gain at Warwick Business School to pursue an undergraduate degree in Management. Although I have to admit, I was not 100% certain regarding the area of business which interested me the most, hence why I decided to apply for the BSc Management course at WBS which I knew would allow me to study modules in a range of disciplines.
I am really glad to chose to study at WBS due to several different factors. First and foremost, WBS is a highly regarded business school known for its excellent research output and teaching environment as well as wonderful community boasting approximately 250 societies with a wide range of student interests. Furthermore, it is a campus-based university which means that you have the opportunity to interact with people every day through a whole host of different activities.
In terms of my degree, BSc Management offers arguably even more. The programme itself is very flexible giving me the opportunity to choose various modules, covering numerous subject areas which was a primary factor in my decision to study at WBS. As I mentioned before, I still was not sure the area of business I wanted to dig deeper into, and hence, it was a perfect and rather an objective option for me. During the first year of my course, I studied various modules, ranging from more quantitative areas such as Accounting for Business, Foundations of Financial Management to more creative subjects such as Marketing and Digital Ventures. By studying various modules, I became familiar with the core business areas and I was in a better position to decide what areas of business I am more passionate about. As part of the BSc Management course, you can choose to follow a course pathway to learn more about a particular subject area if you decide you want to focus your studies on one particular area of business.
I believe my first year of studying at WBS gave me an amazing opportunity to familiarise myself and adjust to degree-level study. My experience at WBS so far has been wonderful with so many opportunities that I hope will guide me towards a fruitful future career.
Find out more about Laurynas’s course, BSc Management, and our range of undergraduate courses.