Warwick Women's Prof. Network 2022 International Women's Day F2F

Join us on International Women's Day for two immersive workshops where well celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

We are delighted to welcome our Warwick community to the Shard and connect, share and tackle overcoming our own barriers. 

This session will include two immersive workshops to strengthen your skills and practical tools.

Event Agenda

  • 18:00 - 18:30 - Registration and welcome drinks
  • 18:30 - 19:00 - Workshop I - Ilona Brannen - Overcoming biases and solving problems in careers and business
  • 19:00 - 19:30 - Workshop II - Nicky Leach - Tackling imposter syndrome
  • 19:30 - 20:30 - Networking, drinks and nibbles
  • 20:30 - Event closes

Workshop I: Each one of us has our own unique perspective on the world which can help us and hinder us depending on our awareness. In this session, expert change maker Ilona Brannen will take you through a immersive coaching session where you will learn a useful practical tool used by top executives to help them overcome their own biases and solve problems in their careers and businesses.

Come prepared to share a challenge you have at work, or in your career and we spend the session unblocking your own biases and help you take this skill to your own organisation to become change agents yourselves. You’ll need to bring and open and willing mind ready to get blown open for the next stage in career, and a notepad in never a bad thing and a cute pen. Can’t wait to begin!"

Workshop II: Nicky Leach will explore imposter syndrome and work with attendees to overcome questioning our abilities and feeling like a fraud. She will guide us on how to accept accomplishments and achievements and maintain a positive mindset.

We invite you to join our face-to-face event which includes members from a diverse range of industries, locations and perspectives to hear their views and share your own.