It is not just students who celebrated during the recent Summer graduation week on the University campus. WBS faculty were recognised for their dedication to research in their specialist subjects, and their skill in teaching.
Higher Doctorates (Doctors of Science) were awarded to no less than 11 WBS professors:
Söhnke Bartram Nick Chater
Graeme Currie Keith Grint
Lloyd Harris Andy Lockett
Paul Marginson Jonothan Neelands
Duncan Shaw Deniz Ucbasaran
Qing Wang
Higher doctorates, a form of 'lifetime achievement award', are awarded to academics who have shown a considerable, original, and sustained contribution to their field of scholarship at the very highest international level. It involves the consideration of the candidate's peer-reviewed research by external assessors who are themselves of the highest academic distinction, who then make a recommendation to the University as to whether the higher doctorate should be awarded. WBS Dean Professor Mark Taylor was himself awarded a Higher Doctorate a year ago.
Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence
These teaching awards are given annually to recognise and celebrate excellence in teaching and support for learning at Warwick. Only five faculty each year across all departments at Warwick (with a total of around 980 faculty) are given awards for their teaching.
It was therefore with some jubilation that two members of WBS faculty, Louise Gracia and Ashley Roberts, received their Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence at the Graduation ceremony in Warwick Arts Centre’s Butterworth Hall. The full report on their Awards can be read here.
Profiles of individual members of WBS faculty can be browsed here, while specific subjects and topics of research can be found here.