- School's Distance Learning MBA rated best in the world for career progress
- Financial Times finds graduates earn an average salary of $207,725
- Demand for Distance Learning MBA surges during global pandemic
- In-house my.wbs platform behind the unrivaled learning experience
For the fourth year in a row Warwick Business School has been named number one in the world by the Financial Times for online MBAs.
The school’s Distance Learning MBA, which has been running for more than 30 years, has been growing in popularity and now sees its graduates earning on average $207,725.
The Financial Times Online MBA 2021 ranking also rated WBS best in the world for 'career progress' and second for 'value for money'.
Andy Lockett, Dean of WBS and Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, said: “The dedication of our staff to create a world-leading online course is remarkable. We are always looking to improve and constantly updating our modules with the latest research and theories, while our online platform my.wbs is always expanding with new content for students.
“The pandemic has created challenges but also opportunities as demand for our Distance Learning MBA has increased significantly, with our cohort starting in January 30 per cent bigger than last year’s. But we have also seen a rise in demand for our Full-time MBA with applications up 20 per cent for this September’s intake compared to this time last year. In fact we now receive six applications for each place on the Full-time MBA.
“It shows demand is there for a quality MBA and we are working to meet it by expanding our Distance Learning MBA out of WBS London at The Shard to two cohorts a year, just as we have at Warwick.”
The school’s research was ranked fifth in the world by the Financial Times, while WBS was fourth for the international mobility of its alumni.
A two-year course, which can be extended to three at no extra cost, the Distance Learning MBA also comes with careers support throughout which carries on after graduation. This includes career consultations, executive coaching and the chance to join the school’s award-winning mentoring programme.
Pietro Micheli, Course Director and Professor of Business Performance and Innovation, said: “A Distance Learning MBA allows people to connect with others all over the world, to understand the different cultures in business and make contacts they never would have otherwise.
“In our post-pandemic world working online will be vital so an online MBA will help senior managers learn how to work in teams and lead them virtually.
“Those doing a Distance Learning MBA can also put into practice what they learn straight away, benefiting not just their career but also their company. It is a great way to boost your career and your organisation.”
For the full Financial Times Online MBA 2021 ranking click here.