Designs of the interior of Warwick Business School’s £30m extension have been revealed with the building work set to be completed in April next year.
When the four-storey extension – built by constructors Bowmer & Kirkland.- opens it will make Warwick one of the largest business schools in the UK.
The concrete shell of the building is almost complete and with the first draft of the interior designs finished the architects’ impression of what it will look inside have been published.
Professor Mark Taylor, Dean of Warwick Business School, said: “It is fantastic to see the extension start to take shape and to see what our new working environment will look like.
“It is very exciting and this investment is an indication of our ambitions and desire to give our students the best possible education when they are here.
“Our aim is to become the best university-based business school in Europe and this extension will go some way to helping us achieve that.”
The extension will house a 292-seat lecture theatre with a removable stage. A 120-seat lecture theatre will contain swivel chairs to allow for group work. A Behavioural Science Laboratory containing 50 computers will also be created along with a 150-seater café, nine seminar rooms, four open plan offices for the school’s 180 management and support staff plus a new reception.
There will also be undergraduate and post-graduate learning spaces, providing computers and large screens for students to work together.
Adam Perry, WBS project manager for the extension, said: “The interior designs look great and will give people a proper sense of what the new building will feel and look like.
“This is the first draft of the interior designs and we will continue to refine them over the coming months, deciding on furniture and a colour scheme, plus finalising the projectors, screens and other teaching equipment we are going to need. The concrete frame for the building is pretty much completed, so work is now starting on the inside of it.”
The environmental performance of the building is anticipated to be of the highest quality. We are hoping the new building will have energy-efficient features such as solar protection to lower heating and cooling demand.”
The extension will allow more than 70 academics and staff housed in the separate WBS Social Studies building to move across to the Scarman Road building. The Radcliffe car park has already been relocated to enable the construction of the extension and the creation of a new landscaped public area
Warwick Business School, part of the University of Warwick, offers an MBA ranked in the world’s Top 25 by the Financial Times, and has around 190 academics and 180 management and support staff, attracting 6,500 students from 125 different countries around the world.
Professor Taylor added: “This extension emphasises our commitment to the very best in business teaching and research - research that will not only benefit students but local businesses and companies across the UK.”