A new paper published in Organizational Research Methods journal by Aguinis, Ramani, and Villamor (2018) analyses the trajectory of papers published during the first 20 years of the journal's existence (i.e., 1998-2017). Considering a number of metrics based on research rigor and relevance, and influence and reach, the analysis ranks paper by Professor James Hayton et al. (2004) fourth most cited, accumulating more than 750 Web of Science citations, and acknowledges its significant contribution to the evidence and literature by offering solutions and recommendations on methodological challenges associated with factor analysis.

View Professor James Hayton's staff profile here

Aguinis, H., Ramani, R. S., & Villamor, I. (in press). The first 20 years of Organizational Research Methods: Trajectory, impact, and predictions for the future. Organizational Research Methodshttps://doi.org/10.1177/1094428118786564. Online first available at: http://hermanaguinis.com/ORM20years.pdf   

Hayton, J. C., Allen, D. G., & Scarpello, V. (2004). Factor retention decisions in exploratory factor analysis: A tutorial on parallel analysis. Organizational Research Methods, 7, 191-205. Available at: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1094428104263675