Groups of students walking around Warwick Campus with the Warwick Business School building in the background.
  • WBS retains position as number one in the world for sustainability
  • Better World MBA evaluates nearly 150 of the world's top programmes
  • Corporate Knights magazine reports on and champions 'clean capitalism' 
  • Sustainability embedded throughout the MBA programme's modules

For the second year in a row Warwick Business School’s MBA programme has been declared the best in the world for sustainability and advancing environmental and social goals in business.

Corporate Knights’ 2019 Better World MBA ranking focuses on the programmes that educate students on sustainability and responsible business, with WBS coming top out of nearly 150 of the best business schools in the world as the school improved on its overall score from last year to reach 94 per cent.

Sustainability is a key element of the WBS MBA programme with the subject embedded throughout its modules alongside a dedicated Business & Sustainability module.

The LeadershipPlus module also allows students to examine ethics and sustainability in great detail, while Managing in a New World - which offers students the chance to travel to Vancouver, a city renowned for its pioneering sustainability initiatives - investigates moral dilemmas, reputational damage, cultural approaches to bribery, CSR and the informal economy.

Andy Lockett, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship and Dean of WBS, said: “Sustainability is an issue that all organisations need to address as the world tackles the increasing threat of climate change and it is something we feel is imperative for MBA students to learn about and discuss.

“We are very proud to be ranked number one by Corporate Knights and we will endeavour to build on this to produce MBA graduates who are socially responsible and have the drive and knowledge to help business create a sustainable future for us all.

“As well as our MBA programme our world-class academics are involved in many research projects around sustainability, whether it is using AI and blockchain to improve energy efficiency or taking insights from behavioural science to persuade people to live greener lifestyles.”

Why is Warwick leading the way on sustainability?

WBS academics are involved in research looking at sustainable cities and renewable energy with Nick Chater, Professor of Behavioural Science, part of the UK Government’s Committee on Climate Change, while the University of Warwick has set the goal of reaching net zero carbon from its direct emissions and energy use by 2030.

To determine the ranking, Corporate Knights evaluated 146 business schools, including all of the 2018 Financial Times top 100 MBA programmes and select business programmes accredited by AMBA, AACSB or EQUIS, along with several Principles for Responsible Management Education signatories.

From this pool, programmes were assessed across five key performance indicators: the number of sustainability-focused articles in peer-reviewed journals and citations; the number of core courses that incorporate sustainable development topics; research institutes and centres devoted to sustainable development issues; and faculty gender and racial diversity in the business school.

John Colley, Associate Dean for the MBA and one of 12 Professors of Practice at WBS bringing vast industry experience to the classroom, added: “This is another excellent ranking result for us and shows how we continually strive to improve the learning experience for our MBAs, giving them the most up-to-date research and topics to build their business knowledge.

“It follows our Distance learning MBA maintaining its position as the best in the world according to the Financial Times, while our Full-time MBA has just been crowned number one in the UK by The Economist for the fifth year in a row.

“With plans in the pipeline to expand our MBA facilities as demand for our programme increases, this is an exciting time for the school and its students and alumni.”

For the full Corporate Knights 2019 Better World MBA ranking click here.