Chengwei Liu, Associate Professor of Strategy and Behavioural Science, talks about his research into luck with Core Insights host Trevor Barnes.
Dr Liu reveals the situations and reasons why we have a bias towards luck, underestimating our good luck and overestimating bad luck. This bias can be exploited by firms alive to the opportunities that luck brings. Read more about it here.
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We assume that below a mental 'surface' of conscious awareness lies a deep and complex set of inner beliefs, values and desires that govern our thoughts, ideas and actions, and that to know this depth is to know ourselves.
Core Insights host Trevor Barnes talks to Daniel Read, Professor of Behavioural Science, about his research into intertemporal choices, which looks at why, even though we are on a diet, we choose to eat a cream bun now, rather than wait for our lunchtime salad. Or why in repeated experiments people would prefer £10 now rather than £15 in two weeks.
Trevor Barnes, host of Core Insights, interviews Neil Stewart, Professor of Behavioural Science, about a nudge - or sludge - that he discovered on his credit card statement.