Considering the Warwick Business School MBA? Do it. Seriously. It will change you for the better. It sounds cliché but like most clichés it comes from truth. It will be hard, if it was easy everyone would be doing it, but it will be worth it!
I was first struck by an exceptional open day with examples of the type of learning I would experience on the course. This made me see how learning frameworks would be applicable in business. In particular, I benefited from hearing inspired and inspirational current students speaking passionately about the opportunities the course had given them.
As a business woman, and relatively young CEO, it is incredibly important to me to be part of a course that has a fair and balanced number of other women and welcomes people however they identify. For me, it’s our differences that make us successful in our careers and real future change makers - Nothing will be achieved by keeping the status quo!
Senior positions in all industries need more diversity and I wanted to be part of a cohort who will be that change. WBS celebrates, and has a real commitment to, diversity in all areas which you are able to see in practice as opposed to simply being a policy. My cohort has over 56 nationalities on it! It has as many careers as members (180!) and a range of experiences and different work styles. This enables everyone to maximise learning via others as well as more formally.
I hoped to meet a range of different people working in different industries (tick!), I hoped to learn new things about business (tick), I hoped to learn more about me, who I am and who I want to be (tick), I hoped to be inspired (tick) and hoped to feel part of a community even though the majority is online (tick!).
The Warwick MBA experience is stimulating, inspiring, and challenging – like being awoken, and finding that the future is full of infinite possibilities!