Ritika Saini
Accelerator MBA (2024 - 2026)

I’m a marketing professional with 8+ years of experience across Mumbai, Singapore, and London. I am particularly interested in solving business problems and the sustainable transformation of organisations. I love to travel and have visited 10 countries last year.

I’m currently part of the first cohort of the Accelerator MBA at Warwick Business School (WBS), and the entire process right from consideration to application to even in the offer stage was seamless. The team was very responsive and helpful and I felt supported by the University staff. I also found the application form very interesting and enjoyed answering the questions.

The blended format of the Accelerator MBA is great as it allows me to work and do an MBA, something I have wanted to do for a while. It can definitely be challenging to manage work and studies and try and have a life but it’s very worth it. It’s a commitment and you need to be disciplined with yourself.

The programme also lets me apply what I learn in the classroom to my job almost immediately, which is great as I hope to be able to take my career to the next level by enhancing my leadership and problem-solving skills. 

The quality of teaching has been great and I have enjoyed getting to know the brilliant cohort. The view from the Shard isn’t too bad either! From my experience interacting with the cohort and some alumni at events, it seems as though it is a very supportive environment where people help each other. During online learning, we use SmartStage, which is a very interactive format of teaching and creates an immersive online environment.

If you’re currently thinking about doing an MBA, I’d say do it – you get the opportunity to meet some incredible people and learn new things. But make sure that you can make the time as it’s a lot of work!