Sasha Kirkham
Short Rates Sales - Bank of America
Global Online MBA (2024 - 2026)

Sasha’s comments were originally featured in her profile on the Poets&Quants Best & Brightest Online MBA list 2024

Tell us about yourself

My name is Sasha Kirkham and I’m from Salisbury in Wiltshire. I’m a British Army veteran, embracing my new lifestyle to maximise my potential and help others. I have been deployed to 13 different countries whilst serving in the British Army and I currently work for Bank of America in Short Rates Sales.

What brought you to study the online MBA at Warwick Business School (WBS)?

The reputation of Warwick Business School precedes itself. With offices at The Shard, in the heart of London and a top three global ranking, I knew this was the school to get the best from me.

WBS is also actively and vocally a huge advocate for veterans and aiding them in their transition out of the military. Their values as a school fully align with my own, where I knew I would have the opportunity to excel, and I knew I had to get a place there.

What was the reason for choosing an online MBA?

I was fortunate enough to secure a position on the Bank of America Military Associate Program. This involved its own steep learning curve, and so the flexibility of the online program was a necessity to manage my ambitions.

Fortunately Bank of America is just down the road from the Warwick Business School London office – almost like it was meant to be!

When I handed in my notice to leave the military, I had no idea which job I would find myself in and my priority at the time was my upcoming deployment to Baghdad. I knew there would be a lot of changes to my life moving to London, but my passion to contribute and work hard would remain consistent.

What has surprised you about online learning?

Although your peers are dispersed across the world, you develop strong friendships. It became very clear, very quickly at the ‘in-person’ lectures how we are all very like-minded individuals, with clear aspirations in mind and all taking the initiative to pursue our quest to create positive change.

How has the online MBA helped with your transition into a new career?

The MBA has aided with my transition out of the military by educating me on corporate life, introducing me to some incredibly successful and intelligent individuals and encouraging me to see that the sky is the limit.

Life is full of unexpected turns. I never thought I would leave the military, I never thought I would be living in central London and I definitely didn’t think I would be sat studying on the 17th floor of The Shard. I intend to put my MBA to use, in the next unexpected turn which is yet to come.

Was the online MBA able to help you in your current job?

The MBA is widening my understanding of the considerations, risks, and opportunities needed in my new environment to ensure I am using my skillset to its full advantage. Modules such as Operations Management have forced me to look at internal processes in detail. This has not only improved my understanding in this area, but also generated recommendations to take to my boss for consideration.

What are your aspirations after completing the online MBA?

My long-term goal is to use my skills and knowledge from both the military and finance, identify where I can make positive change, and then use the tools from my MBA to action it. Which area this will land on is dependent on the needs of the future, but the foundation will be opportunities for veterans, instigating positive change and contributing towards a brighter future.