Tobi Adeniyi
Supply Chain Director
Global Online MBA (2023 - 2025)

What first attracted you to Warwick Business School?

When I decided to pursue an MBA, I went back to previous years to see the trend in rankings from the major credible sources and I noticed the consistency of Warwick Business School (WBS) being a top tier ranked institution. I also spoke to friends and colleagues who are alumni of various top-ranked institutions to get some more practical insights on the programme. I found the testimonials of WBS alumni most compelling and this further drove my curiosity.

Why did you ultimately choose Warwick Business School for your MBA?

The content of the programme seemed well-curated and had an element of improving personal effectiveness (Leadership & Development). I was also swayed by the flexibility of the coursework which is cognisant that most students would be juggling studies alongside their work. Most importantly, I found the concept of “change makers” to be very captivating as it fully resonates with my core values and purpose, which centre around excellence and leaving lasting positive legacies behind.

What elements of the programme do you value the most and why?

I was particularly impressed with the thought process behind the modules and the variety behind the choice of electives. There is a very fine balance between understanding concepts and frameworks while testing the practicality of what has been taught.

What is it like studying for an MBA?

For me, this is my first time back in the classroom after 16 years. I was particularly apprehensive about my ability to prepare essays (I did not do much of this in my undergrad studies), however when I focussed on immersing myself into the concepts being taught and applying this to my case studies, I found myself trying to cut back my content! The most important eye-opener for me is embracing the fact that critical thinking is so important in analysing situations across professional and personal space.

Tell us about the community at Warwick Business School

I am proud to be part of a cohort of fantastic and inspiring people from different industries and backgrounds. I am also excited at our ability to network and I am sure alliances will be built over the course of the programme and beyond as the foundations are already being laid despite being just three months into the programme. I have also been exposed to how various professions and industries tackle similar issues to those I face in my own sector, and understanding their approach to resolving such issues has been a key learning point for me so far.

What did you hope to get out of our programme?

I intend to come out of this programme as an all-around business leader who has a wider sphere of influence and understanding. So far, I believe I am on the right trajectory towards achieving my expectations.

How do you find the work/life balance?

The first few weeks were initially tough as I over-estimated my ability to make up lost ground. However, I have found the right rhythm which includes infusing my studies into my week as opposed to trying to create special time for them. The moment I made my studies part and parcel of my scheduling, I realised it was a lot easier to manage.

Do you have any advice for anyone currently thinking about studying for an MBA?

I would advise that you critically detail what you want for yourself (career change, delve into consultancy, self-improvement, etc) and study the values of the institutions you are considering. If you are well prepared before you start your research, chances are when you find the institution that aligns with your values and expectations, you can feel it!