“Whatever you want in life is just outside your comfort zone.”
This motto has been the driving force throughout my life. Moving between different countries, different sectors, and different functions and pushing myself to learn and develop has helped me get to where I am today. However, I felt that what got me here won’t get me where I’d like to be. I wanted to stretch myself, refresh my knowledge and add more skills to my toolkit. An Executive MBA has been on my plans for quite a few years and I finally decided it was the right time to open this door and see where it takes me next.
I considered quite a few options and eventually decided on Warwick Business School (WBS) given its credentials and the wide range of modules that were on offer. More importantly, the option to study in London on a weekend gives me the flexibility I need to manage my work-study-life balance. I planned that I had my place for Sep 2022 secured in Dec 2021 to enable me to carve out some time and capacity, both at work and in my personal life. Negotiating at work was easy, negotiating with the family was a different ball game.
Four modules and roughly six months in, how do I feel? Was it the right decision? Did I make the right choice and was it all worth it? The simple answer is YES. The right decision and the right choice. But it hasn’t been plain sailing. It requires more self-discipline than I anticipated or have practised in the past, it requires hard choices between sacrificing weekends and family time and more importantly the constant juggling of work, studying and meeting the tight deadlines for assignments.
I still cannot believe that I have already done three modules, halfway finishing the assignment for the fourth module and the fifth module starts in a few days. It can feel relentless, it can feel overwhelming and it can make you doubt your choices. But it is all worth it. The amazing people you get to meet from so many different sectors, the highly knowledgeable and experienced teachers, and the energy and pace with which you deliver group work, case studies and assignments; are energising and give you different lenses to look at yourself, your industry, your organisation and learn whilst having fun.
I’d recommend the Executive MBA if you are keen to develop knowledge across a wide range of subjects and go on a journey of self-discovery. It is tempting to cling to the familiar and comfortable, but authentic progress is only possible when we venture beyond our perceived limits. Let’s question this paradoxical relationship between growth and comfort which doesn’t co-exist harmoniously.
If you are looking to cultivate a growth mindset, then look no further. WBS will help you on your journey into the unknown, push you to your limits and help you evolve through self-mastery and attain true fulfilment. You will have all the support you need from the Executive MBA team and the programme has the flexibility to help you along the way.
I am proud to consider myself a part of the WBS Alumni and I am looking forward to the lifelong friendships and experiences I’ll be making on my journey. The question is, are you ready to start yours?