Eshaan Thapar
BSc Management (current student)


Tell us a bit about yourself, and what you studied?

My name is Eshaan Thapar and I studied the BSc in Management with Digital Innovation. I am an international student from Mumbaiand I am a technology enthusiast.

What attracted you to WBS, why did you choose to study here?

As an international student, I chose Warwick Business School (WBS) because of its diverse classrooms and inclusivity initiatives. WBS ranks highly in terms of their facilities and provides well-being support services for students which were the greatest pull factors for me.

What is the best thing about the degree? 

For me, the best part of my course was the group work. At WBS, I collaborated with students from diverse backgrounds and improved my communication and team-work skills, which are crucial to my career development. Group work is an excellent method to leverage your strengths as an individual whilst improving on your weaknesses.

How did you find having a personal tutor, have they helped you throughout your studies?

My personal tutor was extremely supportive throughout my university experience. Adapting to the university life was a little challenging at first, however, my personal tutor made me feel comfortable and settled by being my first point of contact during any difficulties.

What has inspired you most throughout your studies?

I was highly motivated by applying my knowledge to solve real-life problems. Throughout my modules, I have worked on several case studies, examinations and assignments which have allowed me to use my capabilities and critical thinking to solve complex problems. The satisfaction of providing solutions and thinking out of the box was my biggest inspiration, as I could visibly notice my hard work being utilised in the real world.

What sort of support did you receive from the careers team? How has that helped you?

I worked closely with the careers team, and I found them extremely helpful during the application process for internships and jobs. Their experience and insights enabled me to modify my CV and boosted my confidence when answering interview questions. I would highly recommend students to use the services provided by WBS’ world-class careers team as they provide unique and personalised insights into your desired career path and are also available to discuss different potential paths.

Are you a member of any SU clubs or societies? What benefits did you get from that?

I was an executive team member (Head of careers) at the Warwick International Development Society in my second year. Further, I was a member of several societies ranging from academic societies such as the Consulting and Finance societies to cultural societies such as the Indian Society. I benefitted greatly by networking with like-minded students and boosted my creativity and confidence.

What do you aim to do once you graduate?

After my graduation, I intend to work as a professional in the field of consulting and risk management. I consider myself open minded and am willing to explore different career options before settling on one. In the long-term, I want to be an entrepreneur.

Do you feel that your degree is preparing you for your next steps?

My degree has been the stepping stone towards my career prospects in many ways. My qualification provides me with the relevant skills and opportunities to apply my knowledge in the field of consulting or risk management. Furthermore, my degree’s flexibility meant that I could pick other modules in the field of entrepreneurship and digital innovation.

What top tip would you give to prospective undergraduate students who are deciding if WBS is the right place for them?

Picking the right university can be a stressful decision. I would strongly recommend WBS to students that want to go over and beyond their expectations. My university learnings go beyond the lectures or seminars, they included a range networking events with employers, social events with societies or sessions with the careers team! Plus, the activities I enjoy in my personal time such as,  playing football during the weekends or watching a movie at the Arts Centre on campus.

What top tip would you give to a student who is about to start at WBS?

I would advise students to keep an open mind. Being open minded involves moving out of your comfort zone by exploring new opportunities and new interests. It would seem challenging at first, however, by taking baby steps and taking part in new activities you will gain a well-rounded and complete university experience. By being open minded, you will truly explore what is best for you. Furthermore, utilising WBS’ services and facilities can be very resourceful. Plus, making friends from different backgrounds, ethnicities or cultures will help you learn new things all the time and is very enjoyable!