Olimpia Bouillot
BSc Management with Entrepreneurship (current student)

Tell us a bit about yourself, and what you studied.

My name is Olimpia Bouillot, and I am a BSc Management with Entrepreneurship student, currently entering my final year. I was born in Rome, Italy, and moved to England when I was 10. After completing my schooling in Brighton, I decided to stay in the UK for my bachelor's degree.

What attracted you to WBS, and why did you choose to study here? What is the best thing about the degree?

Besides its high academic ranking, I chose Warwick Business School (WBS) because it allows me to tailor my degree to my personal interests. Business management is broad, and I have specific interests in marketing and entrepreneurship. The first year provided a strong foundation across various topics, which I believe to be important when pursuing a business career. I also appreciated the teaching structure, which goes beyond traditional end-of-year exams, making the learning experience multifaceted and engaging.

How did you find having a personal tutor, and have they helped you throughout your studies?

Having a personal tutor has been immensely reassuring. My tutor has been highly engaged and supportive throughout my university experience, serving as a reliable point of reference and guidance.

What has inspired you most throughout your studies?

My studies have inspired me to approach problem-solving creatively, pushing me to think outside the box and seek innovative solutions. Modules in entrepreneurship, in particular, have encouraged me to develop original business ideas and strategies. Additionally, working on group projects with diverse classmates has broadened my perspective, showing me the value of different viewpoints and collaborative efforts. I strive to apply what I learn in my daily life, whether it's through managing time effectively, tackling challenges with a fresh mindset, or finding new ways to innovate in everyday situations. The support and encouragement from my professors have also played a crucial role, motivating me to aim higher and constantly improve.

Have you taken part in any projects, internships, or work experience while being a student? Where did you go/what did you do, and how did your modules help you during that time?

During my studies, I have participated in numerous group projects, which enhanced my teamwork and cultural understanding. I worked at the student union bar and managed sports tours for a travel company during holidays. The skills and knowledge from my management and leadership modules were directly applicable, helping me navigate challenges and improve my performance in these roles.

Are you a member of any SU clubs or societies? What benefits did you get from that?

I am a member of the Retail and Luxury Society (RELUSO) and the Fashion Society (LINE). Participating in their workshops and speaker events has been invaluable, as these are fields I aspire to enter. Next year, I plan to join dance and volleyball clubs. Additionally, working at the student union bar for a year and a half was a great way to earn money while studying and meet new people.

Do you use the sports centre, visit the Arts Centre, attend club nights on campus, or have any hobbies you enjoy?

I regularly use the sports centre, which I have found to be the best-equipped gym in Coventry and Leamington Spa. I enjoy working out with friends, studying at Warwick Arts Centre, and watching movies in the cinema hall. In the summer, I often organise picnics on campus with my friends and go to different events and parties. These activities provide a healthy balance to my academic life, allowing me to destress, stay fit and have fun with my friends. 

What do you aim to do once you graduate?

After graduating, I plan to pursue a master's degree in management, focusing on gaining international experience and expanding my professional network. I feel that my degree is equipping me with the necessary skills for a management position, fostering resilience and collaboration through various projects. 

What top tip would you give to prospective undergraduate students who are deciding if WBS is the right place for them?

I recommend thoroughly reviewing the modules for all years of study. Understanding the progression of the curriculum will help you determine if it aligns with your interests and career goals. WBS offers a wide range of topics in the first year and more specialised options in subsequent years, which is why I recommend looking ahead as well. 

What top tip would you give to a student who is about to start at WBS?

Stay organised from day one. The first year is filled with exciting opportunities and experiences, which can be overwhelming. Good organisation will help you manage your time effectively and make the most of your university experience. Also, don't hesitate to get involved in clubs and societies to broaden your horizons and build a network.