Professor Jonothan Neelands
Professor Jonothan Neelands PhD, DSc is a National Teaching Fellow, Professor of Creative Education at the Warwick Business School (WBS) and Chair of Drama and Theatre Education at the University of Warwick. In addition to his academic profile, he is an experienced creative workshop leader and drama practitioner, with a national and international reputation for delivering high quality keynotes, executive education and master classes. Recently, he was Director of Study for the Warwick Commission on the Future of Cultural Value and Research Project Director for the Creative Industries Federation. He is Director of Research on the Executive Bid Committee for Coventry City of Culture 2021
As Associate Dean for Creativity in WBS, he is working with colleagues to develop a range of creative infusions and interventions both into the curriculum and the extra-curricular life of the School. These include student performances and participatory theatre workshops that use classical literature to explore the human questions and issues at the heart of all businesses. He is interested in developing a future oriented and problem based pedagogy for business education and training with an emphasis on ethical and inclusive models of leadership.
Research interests include:policy and practice in the Creative Industries; the value of the arts in education and in the broader society; the theory and practice of drama and theatre education; participatory pedagogies and politics; teaching artistry and the work of teaching artists; models of cultural and creative learning; the politics of cultural and education policy-making; teaching in urban settings; creativity and entrepreneurship. Recent research projects have been in partnership with the Creative Industries Federation, Arts Council England, Department for Education, Higher Education Academy for the Open Space Learning project at Warwick; Birmingham Royal Ballet; Birmingham REP. Theatre; RSC and the National Association of Youth Theatres amongst others.
Professor Neelands has advised government on the identification and training of exceptionally able and motivated young performers and is an Executive Director of Drama UK, which represents industry standard drama training . He is a a Board Member of the Warwick Arts Centre and Patron of the International Schools Theatre Association (ISTA).