Dr Manuela Galetto

Associate Professor
(Organisation and Work Group)

Manuela Galetto is Co-Director of the Industrial Relations Research Unit (IRRU) of WBS and Associate Professor in Employment Relations in the Organisation and Work (OW) group. Her research looks at changes and trends in employment relations in a comparative, European perspective. She has analysed sectoral collective bargaining as source of flexicurity; She is conducting a sector analysis of the gender pay gap reporting in the UK; She is also looking at manifestations of conflict in contemporary workplaces.

BA in Sociology (University of Urbino, Italy); MSc in European Labour Studies (Master européen en Sciences du Travail, MEST network, University of Florence and University of Warwick); PhD in Industrial Relations (University of Milan) in 2008.

Manuela is also an Academic Member of the CIPD and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Research Interests

Comparative employment relations; sectoral collective bargaining; gender pay gap reporting; European industrial relations and European Sectoral Social Dialogue; Conflict at work; digitalisation and workforce management