Nigel Driffield explains how countries can attract the right investment to attract the right talent without harming local companies.
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Latest research news
AI could make P2P lending safer and more fruitful for investors if they harness it effectively, argues Yi Ding.
New research has found cryptocurrency prices are not influenced by any economic factors and instead are driven purely by the mood swing of investors.
The University of Warwick has received one of its largest donations from an individual to establish a new Fintech research centre.
Shoppers can now trace the whole journey of their seafood by simply scanning the packet thanks to the growing use of blockchain in supermarket supply chains.
The promise of significant tariffs is not good news for companies or consumers, write Mehmet Chakkol and Mark Johnson.
Consumers might think setting their credit card repyaments to autopay would be a smart move, but Neil Stewart's research finds it can lead to paying back more not less.
Ahead of Donald Trump's inauguration, Arie Gozluklu reveals the remarkable impact of the President's tweets during his last term of office.
Paul Fisher reveals why central banks want to reduce the size of the balance sheet and how they can go about doing it.