Five tips to optimise your Executive MBA career opportunities

03 May 2024

Embarking on an Executive MBA is a transformative journey that goes beyond just acquiring new skills or advancing your career. It’s about reshaping your professional landscape, transitioning seamlessly into new roles, and expanding your horizons.

Whether you want more meaningful work, or have a particular role or sector in mind, it’s essential to identify a clear route to success. But how do you ensure that this transformative experience translates into tangible career advancement?

Sarah Jackson, MBA Careers Manager at WBS, shares her expertise on how to maximise the careers provision available on the Executive MBA, highlighting how you can actively manage your career towards your end goal.

  1. Leverage your studies

If you’re considering undertaking an MBA, it’s likely to be with the intention of advancing your career in some way. But have you considered how you can further integrate your MBA studies into your career planning?

For example, you can use your project and dissertation work as opportunities to network. Identifying industry-specific challenges can lead to excellent research topics. It’s a way to showcase your passion for a different sector and determine if it’s the right fit for you.

  1. Networking is key

As an Executive MBA participant, alongside numerous events held at our Warwick campus and WBS London, you’ll also have access to our professional networks and global alumni network.

A strong professional network can be key to achieving that next step in your career. However, we recognise that networking can intimidate even the most extroverted individuals. Selling yourself in this environment can be difficult, but there are some simple steps that can help.

Reframe your self-introduction with phrases like ‘I'm exploring’, ‘I'm fascinated’, or 'I'm interested' to encourage a positive response.

Remember, people may recommend other contacts and share insights about job details and company culture with you, but they can also become a future mentor or advocate for you.

  1. Utilise coaching and mentoring

Coaching and mentoring can help build authentic relationships that boost curiosity and proactive behaviour. They can also address concerns about social, academic, and professional development without judgement, fostering resilience in the face of new challenges.

With unlimited career consultations, three Leadership Coaching sessions and access to our award-winning Global Mentoring programme, your Executive MBA is the ideal time to take advantage of the benefits that can be gained from coaching and mentoring. It’s the perfect opportunity to develop greater self-awareness, re-set and explore new ideas and identify solutions to challenges, so you can find clarity on the way forward in your career

  1. Exploring your motivations

Embarking on a new career path is a significant step, and understanding yourself is the cornerstone of this journey. It’s essential to recognise your strengths, pinpoint areas for growth, delve into your interests, and determine what truly resonates with you. This self-knowledge will lay the groundwork for your future direction.

By participating in the career workshops on offer during your MBA, it can help you understand your core values and strengths, providing insight into your motivations and potential work culture fit. The goal is to help you find a job that you love.

  1. Be curious. Be humble

And finally, adopt curiosity, humility, and a hunger for learning. Approach every conversation with the intention to learn something new. Listen actively and show your interest in others.

Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself; it’s thinking of yourself less. In new roles or sectors, be humble and eager to learn from others across the organisation.


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