Applied (Health) Research Centre West Midlands

Formerly the Organising Health Research Network, the Applied (Health) Research Centre West Midlands is a research grouping concerned with impact policy and organisational practice, commonly through empirical health and social care studies, supported by large scale funding. 

Current projects include: 

  • NIHR Applied (Health) Research Centre (ARC) West Midlands - Implementation Theme, hosted by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (£1.1 million, Currie, Swan, Oborn, Burgess) 

  • ESRC Exploring Innovations in Transition to Adulthood (EXIT Study) (£1.63 million, Currie, Swan) 

  • Health Foundation Evaluation of Virginia Mason Initiative (£400,000, Burgess, Currie, Crump)  

  • Suite of projects under the Warwick-Monash-Alliance (WMA) Healthcare Improvement Partnership, most recently NHMRC award for ‘Women into Leadership in Healthcare’ ($Aus 5 million, Currie, Crump) 

  • NIHR Research for Patient Benefit funded research on new care models for the homeless (£118,000, Swan, Currie).

Centre Director: Professor Graeme Currie.

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