Kenji Yoshimura
Deputy General Manager - Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.
Global Online MBA (2024 - 2026)

Global Online MBA participant Kenji Yoshimura shares his reasons for choosing WBS and his experience of the programme so far.

Tell us a bit about yourself

I would describe myself as: ambitious, curious and committed. I continuously work towards improving things within my reach. I am committed to contributing to the greater good and restless to improve the status quo.

What first attracted you to Warwick Business School?

The flexibility that the Global Online MBA programme offers attracted me to Warwick Business School (WBS). I had always thought about pursuing MBA studies somewhere during my career, however, taking a break from work and family commitments for one to two years was not realistic for me.

Why did you ultimately choose Warwick Business School for your MBA?

The opportunity to study with peers from all around the world from the highly diverse cohort was the ultimate reason why I decided to join WBS. In addition, the Change Maker values of WBS really resonated with me.  The high ranking of the programme, acknowledged by various parties,  also propelled me forward.

What elements of the programme do you value the most and why? 

Interaction with my diverse cohort during Residential Weeks and through the online lessons have been the most valuable element so far. Having on campus weeks where all cohort members gather is a great opportunity to connect with peers, and learn insights from other industries and the cultures of other nations.

In addition, although we are not usually physically in the classroom together, I am still able to learn so many new perspectives through the online exchange and group work opportunities.

How have you found the online learning format?

The online learning format suits me well since as it enables me to progress at my own pace and makes it possible for me to deepen my understanding of various fields in between my other commitments. Since WBS has been a strong leader in Online MBA studies for a considerable time, the content of online lessons are of very high quality. Additionally, even though I live in Japan, there are online lectures that are timed well for our time-zone, which provides us the pleasure to join in the highly interactive sessions.

What is it like studying for an MBA?

MBA life is busy as we need to juggle various commitments: job/family/studies. However, the flexibility of the Online MBA programme makes it possible for us to fulfil our ambitions and curiosity, while meeting our commitments.

Tell us about the community at Warwick Business School.

Being able to interact with my highly diverse MBA peers is an invaluable treasure for me. My cohort has members from all over the world and from various industries and backgrounds. If I hadn’t joined WBS, I would not have been able to make so many good friends and connections.

What kind of support have you received from the careers team? How has it helped you?

The Global Online MBA programme is not just about studies. The support regarding career development is also extremely valuable. For example, during the face-to-face Residential Weeks, we had good opportunities to reflect on our values and style, which was beneficial in considering future career goals and interests.

Do you have any advice for anyone currently thinking about studying for an MBA?

If anyone is contemplating  MBA study, I would highly recommend pursuing your ambition, since the experience will transform you. Pursue your ambition! Pursue your curiosity!