Swati Panigrahi
Full-time MBA (2023 - 2024)

What first attracted you to Warwick Business School?

The fact that it was a one-year programme with a good return-on-investment rate and ranking played a significant role in attracting me to Warwick Business School (WBS). Additionally, hearing positive feedback from friends who are alumni of WBS further solidified my interest in the school.

Why did you ultimately choose Warwick Business School for your MBA?

I was particularly drawn to the diverse cohort and the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with peers from various backgrounds and industries.

What elements of the programme do you value the most and why?

I value the diverse range of modules like LeadershipPlus, Strategic Thinking, Financial Management and more that are offered at WBS, which provide a comprehensive understanding of key business concepts and practices. Additionally, the opportunity for an overseas elective and the chance to immerse myself in different cultures and business environments is invaluable. The cohort discussions add to and enhance the overall experience.

What is it like studying for an MBA?

Studying for an MBA is an intensive and rewarding experience. It involves a combination of rigorous academic coursework, group presentations, and networking opportunities. It requires dedication, time management skills, and the ability to collaborate effectively with peers from diverse backgrounds. Overall, it is a transformative journey that equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the business world.

Tell us about the community at Warwick Business School. 

The community at Warwick Business School is incredibly diverse and inclusive. Whether it's the cohort I study with or the wider global community of alumni and industry professionals, there is a strong sense of camaraderie and collaboration. The School fosters a supportive environment where students are encouraged to learn from each other, share experiences, and build lasting connections.

What do you hope to get out of our programme? What have you actually got so far?

I hope to gain a deeper understanding of key business concepts, develop leadership skills, expand my professional network, and explore new career opportunities. So far, I have learned more about myself and how to push myself out of my comfort zone.

How do you find the work/life balance?

Balancing work and life during my MBA has been challenging but manageable. I try to prioritise my time effectively, set clear goals and draw out a plan for the week in advance. I also make time to talk to my family and friends to recharge and stay focused.

Do you have any advice for anyone currently thinking about studying for an MBA?

My advice for anyone considering studying for an MBA is to thoroughly research different programmes – their past cohort, modules offered, understand your career goals and objectives and whether the programme aligns with those, and network with current students and alumni to gain insights into the programme experience. It's also important to stay organised, prioritise your time effectively, and embrace the learning journey with an open mind and positive attitude. Finally, don't hesitate to seek support from professors, career counsellors, and peers throughout your MBA journey.