Inès Denize
BSc Management with Marketing (2020-2024)

Tell us a bit about yourself, and what you studied.

Hi, I'm Inès, a 21-year-old from France. I'm currently studying BSc Management with Marketing at Warwick Business School (WBS).

What attracted you to WBS, why did you choose to study here?

I was attracted to WBS because of its excellent reputation and ranking among top business schools. The university is renowned for its demanding academic programmes and elite teaching staff. In addition, WBS offers a multicultural and welcoming atmosphere that encourages creative thinking and a global outlook. The opportunity to interact with diverse cultures and individuals was particularly appealing, as it promotes openness and helps build friendships worldwide. WBS's commitment to excellence and its openness to the world made it the ideal place to pursue my studies and career in management and marketing.

What is the best thing about the degree? 

In my opinion, the best part of the degree is the people you meet through the group work, seminars, lectures, and societies. Over the course of my four-year degree, I've built invaluable friendships and created memories that I will cherish forever. Additionally, living with fellow students has allowed me to strengthen my friendships and learn more about others, enriching my overall university experience.

How did you find having a personal tutor, have they helped you throughout your studies?

My personal tutor has been a great source of support throughout my course. He has provided me with detailed feedback and insightful advice on my academic work, enabling me to improve and excel in my studies. Beyond my studies, my tutor has given me advice on my career prospects, helping me to make informed decisions about my career path as well as assisting me during my year abroad.

What has inspired you most throughout your studies?

The most inspiring aspect of my studies has been seeing the achievements of my peers over the years and reflecting on my own growth in terms of maturity, independence and confidence. Watching the successes of my classmates, whether it was securing prestigious internships, excelling in challenging projects or making significant contributions to university societies, was incredibly motivating. It has driven me to strive for excellence and to take on new challenges with determination.

At the same time, looking back on my personal journey has been equally inspiring. I remember starting my studies feeling uncertain and overwhelmed, especially during the times of Covid, but over the years I have gained a sense of independence and confidence that I never imagined. The academic challenges, the experience of living abroad and the responsibility of balancing multiple commitments have all contributed to my growth. Every step of the way, from completing complex assignments to successfully completing my study year abroad, has been a testament to my development.

What sort of support did you receive from the careers team? How has that helped you?

In my second year, I asked the careers team to help me format my CV and cover letters as I looked for work placement opportunities. Over the course of several interactions, they provided invaluable support, giving me tips, advice and detailed feedback. Their advice helped me to improve the structure and content of my application, which greatly increased my chances of securing an interesting internship. The expertise and dedication of the careers team was instrumental in helping me present myself effectively to potential employers.

Have you taken part in any projects, internships or work experience while being a student? Where did you go/what did you do and how did your modules help you during that time?

In my third year, I did a placement as a Category Manager at Onedirect in Barcelona, where I gained certifications in LMVH and Google Analytics while working full-time. This placement allowed me to apply the theoretical knowledge from my marketing modules to real-life scenarios, which greatly enhanced my understanding of strategic planning, market analysis and product management.

Are you a member of any SU clubs or societies? What benefits did you get from that?

Yes, I was actively involved in several SU clubs and societies, which greatly enriched my university experience. As an Operations Volunteer at TEDxWarwick, I helped coordinate and organise the main event, which featured several speakers from around the world. This role enabled me to improve my event organisation and management skills and gave me the unique opportunity to network with inspiring people from a variety of fields.

In addition, as the Exchange Officer at Warwick European Society, I was responsible for coordinating events and supporting relationships with international students during their exchange at Warwick. I also played a key role in organising the end-of-year ball. This experience has enhanced my communication and leadership skills and enabled me to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for international students.

I was also part of the Warwick Classical and Modern Dance Society (CMD) where I have taken part in contemporary, lyrical and modern jazz dance classes, as well as various dance performances. Being part of this society has pushed me out of my comfort zone, introduced me to new activities and helped me create lasting memories with other dance enthusiasts. Overall, these activities have allowed me to build strong friendships, gain new experiences and develop a diverse set of skills that complement my university studies.

Do you use the sports centre, visit the Arts Centre, attend club nights on campus, or have any hobbies you enjoy?

Yes, I use the sports centre twice a week for my dance classes, which keeps me active and allows me to indulge my passion for dance. I also take part in various social events on campus and enjoy attending club nights such as Skool Dayz and POP. These social activities are a great way to relax and meet other students. In addition, I have attended TEDxWarwick and various webinars and lectures, which have been intellectually stimulating and broadened my horizons. These experiences have enriched my university life, providing a balance between study, social activities and personal interests.

What do you aim to do once you graduate?

After graduation, I plan to take a gap year to explore my options for a master's degree. I'll study for the GMAT over the summer and apply in the fall to secure a place for September 2025. I'm currently looking for internships and plan to start one in January, perhaps continuing until June or July. During my gap year, I also aim to take my driving  test, work a part-time job in my hometown, travel with my savings, and earn new certifications in data and business analytics.

Do you feel that your degree is preparing you for your next steps?

Absolutely, my degree has given me a solid grounding in management and marketing, practical experience through work placements, and essential skills such as strategic planning and market analysis, all of which are crucial to my future career.

What top tip would you give to prospective undergraduate students who are deciding if WBS is the right place for them?

Consider WBS if you are looking for a rigorous academic environment with a global perspective, an excellent faculty and plenty of opportunities for personal and professional development. The diversity and openness of the community is also a major asset.

What top tip would you give to a student who is about to start at WBS?

Get involved in clubs and associations right from the start. Whether it's taking a leadership role in associations, joining sports clubs or taking part in events, these activities will enrich your university experience and help you build a strong network of friends and professional contacts. Take advantage of career guidance services right from the start to get advice on internships, drawing up a CV and career planning. Don't hesitate to ask your tutors for help; they're there to help you on your way to university.

Make the most of your time at WBS by attending conferences, webinars and events that can broaden your knowledge and skills. Consider taking the opportunity of an internship or study abroad programme to gain valuable real-world experience and a global perspective. By combining your studies with these extra-curricular activities, you'll not only enhance your learning, but also ensure a full and fulfilling university life and make the most out of your university time.