Laura Carbó
BSc International Management with Finance (current student)

Tell us a bit about yourself, and what you studied?

My name is Laura Carbó and I am from a small town in Spain called Tortosa. Currently, I am a second year undergraduate student at Warwick Business School (WBS), pursuing a BSc in International Management with Finance.

What attracted you to WBS, why did you choose to study here?

From a young age, I knew I wanted to study abroad. My love for the English language and my desire to immerse myself in different cultures were significant factors in this decision.

WBS stood out as my top choice due to its stellar reputation and the structure of its courses. The learning methodology at WBS resonated with me. I appreciated the independence in selecting modules and the opportunity to choose a pathway. Additionally, the availability of online materials and asynchronous tasks suited my learning style perfectly. The prospect of a year abroad, studying at prestigious universities around the world, further solidified my decision.

What is the best thing about the degree? For example, classmates, group work, lecturers, visiting staff.

The best part of my degree at WBS is the vibrant community and the dynamic learning environment. My classmates are incredibly diverse, bringing unique perspectives and experiences to group work and discussions. The lecturers are not only knowledgeable but also approachable and supportive when needed. We also have visiting staff who provide fresh insights and real-world applications of our studies. I believe this combination of diverse peers and dedicated educators creates a stimulating academic atmosphere.

How did you find having a personal tutor, have they helped you throughout your studies?

My personal tutor has been wonderful and very kind during our meetings. Although I haven’t needed much academic support so far, knowing that there is someone available to guide and assist me whenever necessary is reassuring.

What has inspired you most throughout your studies?

The most inspiring aspect of my studies has been the people around me. From fellow students with

ambitious projects and diverse aspirations, to teachers sharing their career journeys and guest speakers recounting their experiences, both good and bad, I am constantly motivated and inspired by the stories and achievements of those I encounter.

What sort of support did you receive from the careers team? How has that helped you?

The careers team at WBS has been instrumental in my professional development. They helped me enhance my CV and provided invaluable tips for my year abroad. Their guidance led me to decide on studying in Singapore for the first semester and undertaking a company placement in the second semester. They also prepared me for interviews, boosting my confidence as I prepare for a six-month internship next year.

Have you taken part in any projects, internships or work experience while being a student? Where did you go/what did you do and how did your modules help you during that time?

In terms of projects, I won the Campus Marketing Sustainability Challenge, where I developed a

business idea to reduce food waste among university students. My modules of Venture Capital,

Fundamentals of Finance and Marketing Strategy were really helpful. For this project I was involved in designing an app, creating a marketing strategy, planning funding, and projecting growth, culminating in a successful pitch to a panel of judges. =

Are you a member of any SU clubs or societies? What benefits did you get from that?

I am an active member of the Spanish Society, which has been fantastic for socialising and meeting new people. The society's events help me balance my academic and social life, providing a much-needed break from studies and an opportunity to connect with others.

Do you use the sports centre, visit the Arts Centre, attend club nights on campus, or have any hobbies you enjoy?

I regularly use the sports centre to stay fit and active. During exam periods, I often study in the Warwick Arts Centre’s seminar rooms as I find the environment conducive to concentration. As for hobbies, I enjoy visiting different campus cafeterias with friends to relax and chat, and I love spending time at the Piazza on Wednesdays when they have food trucks.

What do you aim to do once you graduate?

Upon graduation, I aim to work in business development strategy for a few years maybe in the cosmetics or fashion industry. Following that, I plan to pursue a master’s degree, possibly in business strategy or venture capital, fields that deeply interest me.

Do you feel that your degree is preparing you for your next steps?

Absolutely, my degree is equipping me with essential skills for my future career. I have learned how to network effectively, approach investors for potential business ideas, and collaborate with diverse teams, all of which are crucial for my career aspirations.

What top tip would you give to prospective undergraduate students who are deciding if WBS is the right place for them?

I would advise prospective students to consider whether they thrive in a diverse and dynamic environment and if they are ready to be active learners. Success at WBS requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to engage deeply with the material and the community.

What top tip would you give to a student who is about to start at WBS?

My top tip for incoming students is to keep an open mind and embrace every opportunity. Participate in events, make friends, and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Remember, you are not alone in feeling uncertain at times—most students are in the same boat. Engage actively with your classmates and the resources available to you for a fulfilling and enriching university experience.