MSc Accounting & Sustainability

Nurture your skills to develop your career and become part of the change you want to see with our new MSc Accounting & Sustainability

Engage with the transformative power of accounting and professional expertise. Give yourself the edge in a rapidly developing job market as the world of business works to confront the grand challenges of sustainable development.

Whether the intrinsically linked subject areas of accounting and sustainability are familiar or new to you, this course offers you the platform to progress your expertise. 

With governments and accounting bodies defining sustainability accounting standards, expertise in this area is increasingly expected by employers in financial services and related industries, but not limited to them. New roles such as chief sustainability officer are evolving across the business world and in the public sector.

The ability to account for social and environmental change figures prominently in cost-benefit analyses, the procurement of services and contracting-out, and long-term investment in infrastructures. As organisations are seeking resilience in turbulent times, they need to combine business acumen with sustainability, and decision-makers require the best available information on both counts.

This course has been carefully constructed to equip you with the skills, knowledge and practical experience to step straight into the professional sphere, and start making a positive impact. 


  • Application Deadline 2 August 2025
  • Start Date September 2025
  • Duration 1 year
  • Location Warwick Campus
  • Format Full-time
  • UK Fees £34,230 *
  • EU/International Fees £42,730 *

* See fees and funding for fees breakdown.


  • Utilise dedicated careers coaching by Accounting specialists
  • Develop skills to equip you for the growing ESG job market

  • Choose between a dissertation, internship or Business in Practice

  • Recognised as an ICAEW Partner in Learning, working with ICAEW in the professional development of students.



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